This video is Mr Brightside by The Killers which is taken from the album 'Hot Fuss' and released
in 2004. Sophie Muller directed the video with inspiration from the film Moulin Rouge. The song
is about loving a girl who he has kissed, yet she is with somebody else. It tells of the jealousy he
feels but has to stay happy like normal.
The video consists of Brandon Flowers being in love with a girl who we see all throughout
the video.

However, she always runs back to the man she is with whenever she does off to see
Brandon, leaving him sad and jealous. The video just shows how he never gets the girl as
she is constantly under this other man's control. The beginning of the video starts by showing
the different characters all around the room with Brandon and the band on stage lip syncing.
At 30 seconds in, the story starts to unfold with the man throwing an apple at the girl which
acts as an order for her to do.

After this, she takes another man off camera by the hand, leaving Brandon alone. The setting
becomes clearer with different women dressed in a variety of vibrantly coloured costumes
dancing for a group of men.The girl and Brandon are seen running off together for a quiet
moment together, but she always runs back to the other man. Throughout all of this, clips of
Brandon miming are shown with the rest of the band pretending to play the instruments.

The motif of the apple is running through it. This all proves that there is defiantly a plot
throughout this video. It is a narrative video combined with performance as the narrative part is
the love triangle story yet the performance comes through in the lip syncing and band playing
instruments on stage. Also, the woman dancing also gives a performance element to it.

There is a very obvious connection between the video and lyrics. the lyrics tell of being jealous
and upset with the girl going with other men and the video shows her running off to these other
men. The target audience will be from around 15 and due to the story line being hard to follow at
points through hidden meanings like him throwing the apples at her. Also, i think girls would be
mainly watching as they would be attracted to how Brandon Flowers is constantly shown, yet
boys may be attracted to the women dancing around.
In the video, we meet the band playing the song onstage but also an additional 2 main
characters. The girl, played by Izabella Miko, is featured throughout as the song is based around
his feelings for her. The man, played by Eric Roberts, is shown as the smug man who gets the
girl and is seen most of the way through.
The main location is where the burlesque show takes place, with a few shots outside, however
it is all mainly focused on the dancefloor and in chairs.

This video gives a clear representation of the artist's in that they are quite different to the usual
'pop' of the time. They have their own individuality to themselves and don't follow the crowd- this
makes them seem very exciting.
Overall, this video does a good job of trying to show a narrative to the lyrics of this particular
song and it does so very well. The use of lip syncing, dancing and playing instruments adds to
the performance side to the video and allows the video to have a quicker pace to it.
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