- Long shot- see her dancing
- Close up- see her singing
- Mid shot- her sitting alone

- School corridors- sets school theme
- fluffy hairbands- bunches and plaits- shows innocence
- school girl outfit- school theme
- Sporty outfits in bright, girly colours - give her a character
- Basketball- sporty character
- Classroom at start- sets scene
- High key lighting
- 4 locations for each verse and chorus- are chosen locations to go with the song, not just random

- Hitting foot against chair
- Clock
- Pen against paper - All 3 show impatience
- Music- she sings along
- School bell- school setting

- Cuts are quick
- Cuts on beat
- Beat of music is important as actions are on beat
- Dance routine, backing dancers doing the same
- Looks down- shows sadness
- Sits alone
- Lip syncing- miming
- Storyline- daydreaming
- Talented- sings, dances, is a gymnast
- Flirty dancing
- Eye contact with audience- intimate and gives a direct connection with audience
- Changes costume throughout

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